Thursday Things I Giggle When I Hear...

Published on 1.28.2010 in , ,

Mini #1has his own unique way of coming down the stairs on his belly.  Basically he throws his feet out from under him and lets go.  Needless to say, he goes VERY quickly.

At this point I need to tell you that we've started to potty train him, and he loves to wear underwear when we're just hanging out at the house.

As he was coming down the stairs the other day (wearing underwear and not his usual diaper), I heard him stop halfway, and say the following:

"Oh, ouch.  Be very careful."

Apparently he's learning the joys of being a guy early.


Engineering Man and Mini #1 flex their engineering skills

Published on 1.27.2010 in , ,

This weekend, Engineering Man and Mini #1 were testing the limits of one of Mini #1's sport utility vehicles.

They created a ramp, and tested how far the SUV could fly.  (I believe EM was trying to prepare Mini #1 for a job in special effects.)

They created a ramp using blankets and books...

...I know; what a great way for the kid to absorb culture...

...and then after stuffing the SUV full (my thought is the bowling pins were crash test dummies)...

...they sent the SUV flying...

...and unfortunately, had a couple casualties...

(No bowling pins were harmed in the destruction of the SUV)


DIY of the week...Engineering Man's scarf

Published on 1.26.2010 in ,

Shortly before Christmas I finally got fed up with Engineering Man's scarf.

Now mind you, EM had been an absolute sweetheart because I made that scarf, and never once asked for a new one.  I did a REALLY crappy job, but he continued to wear it with no complaint.

God bless him.

But...I finally got tired of looking at it every time I saw him walk out of the house.

I put my crocheting skills to work, and created a new one.

EM and I hit up Hobby Lobby and picked out a new skein of yarn.  Two to be exact because of the size of scarf he wanted.

I've learned over the years, the less fuzzy the yarn, the easier it is to actually follow a pattern.

And now here's the tutorial.

I did a simple double crochet stitch to create his scarf.

To start, create a slip knot on the end of the string, and place your crochet hook through the loop.

If you're right handed, loop the yarn around your pinkie finger and over your index finger like so...

While holding the end of the yarn (the part behind the slip knot loop), put the hook through the loop...

...grab the yarn with the hook, and pull through to create a single stitch...

(This is what it looks like after you've completed 5 single stitches.)

Repeat. A lot.  I think I made EM's scarf about 250 "single" stitches across.  The best way to check length is to have the wearer put the single strand around his/her neck.  Please note that the length will stretch slightly as you work on the piece.

When you reach the desired length, turn, or in other words, flip the way you're moving across the yarn.  If you're right handed, the strand of single stitches should go from being on your right to being on your left.

Then, start in the first stitch not on your hook and do a double crochet. Start by "hooking" the yarn once...

...then put your hook through the first stitch not on your hook, hook another stitch and pull through two of the three "hooked" strands on your hook...

...you should end up with something like this...

...hook another stitch and then pull through the final two "hooked" strands to get this...

You've just completed your first double crochet!  Don't you feel special.

Repeat this step with each remaining "single" stitch you have created, or about 249 times.

Once you reach the end of the row, do a single stitch in the last double crochet to "lock" the row, then turn again, and repeat the double crochet row.

And repeat again...(notice a theme here). 

Basically, keep repeating your double stich row until you reach the desired thickness.  EM's scarf was about 8 double crochet rows wide.

The best part about learning the single and double crochet is that most patterns actually go off a form of using the single and double crochet stitches.  You can also, if you like to get creative, make your own pattern.

I've tried my own pattern...using fuzzy fabric.  Let's just say it didn't work well.


Monday's weekend in review...

Published on 1.25.2010 in , ,

The weekend included a trip to the hospital...just for a tour...

...Engineering Man and Mini #1's ramp adventure (stay tuned Wednesday for details)...

...taxes (UGH)...


...that even Engineering Man got in on...


...(yea, I don't know what it is either)...


...a little shopping for mini #2's room...

...a spaceship...

...and some rearranging decorations in the basement, probably because I'm nesting.


Friday's Favorite Things..."The Hangover"

Published on 1.22.2010 in ,

I'm way behind on the times, and just finished watching "The Hangover" this weekend.


Love the quotes, love the idea, and laughed through the entire thing. 

Needless to say it's on my list of things to get for Engineering Man for Valentine's Day.  The blu-ray version, of course, to get the extra pictures and features.


Thursday Things I Never Thought I'd Hear...and then I had a mini one

Published on 1.21.2010 in ,

Upon asked if he was a hot tamale...

"I not a hot ta-mommy....I a hot ta-daddy!"


DIY of the week...revamping the baby's room

Published on 1.20.2010 in , ,

I have a gorgeous crib that my brother-in-law built for Mini #1 that we're going to use again for Mini #2.  Unfortunately, it's slightly bigger than conventional cribs, so "normal" bedding won't fit.

Last time, mom sewed a crib set for me, but it's not real "fluffy" (her words).  My sister gave me her set, and Sunday I discovered that with a little bit of creative engineering, it works on the crib.

Unfortunately, it didn't match my color scheme in the baby's room.

Yes, I can be anal sometimes.

So, last minute on Sunday night I decided I was going to repaint one of the stripes in Mini #2's room.

And yes, before you ask, I am 34 weeks pregnant.

Here's the before shots...

(yes, that's a frappacino.  I didn't sleep well Sunday night.  And yes, Mini #1 rather enjoyed helping me tape...)

Here's the "in progress" shot...

And here's the after...

Still need some artwork and some accessories...and I'm also thinking about a side table by the rocker with a lamp for night time nursing.  Thoughts?


The Holiday Weekend in Review...

Published on 1.19.2010 in , , ,

The weekend included a trip to see friends in Manhattan.

Needless to say, when the guys get together there are at least 4 of these...

...and races to see who can finish theirs the fastest...

...while the girls go shopping (woohoo), and Mini #1 tries to keep up with his own "mini" Rubick's cube...

(Please note Food Network being on in the background...there were two pregnant people in the group.)

The weekend also included creating a new toy box for Mini #1.  Needless to say, he didn't like the noise...

...and I was happy to sit on the couch snuggled with Gracie...

Monday brought a whole new adventure...including repainting part of the baby's room.  Stay tuned tomorrow for an update...


um...yea, pregnancy...

Published on in ,

So I was a bad blogger again and left you all hanging yesterday.  (All...ha!  Hi Mom!!)

I do have a weekend review...it just doesn't have any pictures.

I also have a DIY of the week (baby's room, nesting stuff, but again, it's on my camera at home).

I also have some interesting news in the potty training of mini #1 (yea for running naked). 

Unfortunately, I'm a bum, and haven't written it all down. My hopes are for tonight.  Check back then...

In other news: mini #2's heartrate this morning was 148.  Any guesses on the sex??


Friday's Favorite Things...Abreva

Published on 1.15.2010 in

I've had the fortune to be subjected to cold sores most of my life.  Evil, I tell you.  They're just evil.

When I was living with my cousin during college, she suggested using Abreva.  I thought, why not, can't hurt, and hit Wal-Mart, headed to the pharmacy and found what I was looking for.

And then I saw the price tag...


Excuse me?  This tube is smaller than the size of my pinkie.  Wait, .07 oz?  IT'S ONLY .07 OUNCES???

The pain in my lip overruled that day. I paid for my $15, .07 oz tube of white stuff and left pissed off, put the stuff on when I got home, and proceeded to go to bed.

And then I woke up.  And there was no pain.  And the cold sore was starting to scab over.  Usually this happens after day 8, not day 2.

I've been hooked ever since.

I'm on my third tube of Abreva.  Yep, that's right, I've used 3 tubes of Abreva in 8 years. My little tube doesn't look all glossy and pretty, but it sure does the trick.  Started to get a cold sore Saturday morning, put on the Abreva, and it's already healing.

No, Abreva has not paid me for putting this on my Friday's Favorites, but if you know someone there, please pass along the message that I accept cash or check. Thank you.


My weekly happiness...

Published on 1.13.2010 in ,

This weekend Engineering Man "volunteered" to help out his unit's FRG.

(sorry...that's military talk for Family Readiness Group)

They got him and another soldier dressed for the occasion.

I was amused to find this sign behind them.

Amazingly appropriate.

He proceeded to get messy...

...and messier...

...and messiest.

There are days I love being a military wife. But this one just might have topped them all...


DIY of the week...baby belly

Published on 1.12.2010 in , ,

33 weeks today.

Only 6 more 'til c-section time. 

I believe there is an end in sight.


Monday's weekend in review...

Published on 1.11.2010 in , ,

We did this...

...and won this...

...and laughed when I saw this...

...but laughed even harder when I saw this...

The rest of the weekend was spent sleeping (yep, 3 1/2 hour nap with Mini #1 on Saturday), watching basketball (those were some UGLY games, KU), and trying to figure out our new DVR (we switched from Dish to DirecTV).

Needless to say I'm still tired and I still don't know what channel Food Network is.


Friday's Favorite Things...

Published on 1.08.2010 in ,

...my new slippers that Mrs. Claus put in my stocking.

God bless Mrs. Claus.


Thursday Things I'd Never Thought I'd Hear...and then I drove my drunk husband home

Published on 1.07.2010 in ,

Driving home at 1:30 a.m. from a New Year's Party last Friday morning, we passed the Karg Art Glass company in Kechi. 

Engineering Man promptly said, "they blow good gas there." 

Yep, that's right.  I didn't misstype that.  He said gas.

This was right after he'd said, "You know what my favorite city is?  Not Kechi; because of this stop sign.

Oh the joys of being pregnant and sober on New Year's.


Camera adventures with Mini #1

Published on 1.06.2010 in , ,

Mini #1's finger...

Engineering Man...

Me at Sunday brunch...

Engineering Man's "big" present...

Mommy's cousins at one of five Christmas's...