This past week included a Valentine's party...
...with both mini's...
...they enjoyed strawberries....
...and then the littlest mini and I had a Valentine's date at the park with the ducks...
...the families came to visit... pancakes...
...and go to museums... cool is this giant light bright??...
...hoola hoops...
...and paper airplanes..., this was not a set up sister actually did that...
...Mini #2 even got a shot at sending his own airplane airborne...
...we played with bubbles...
...went grocery shopping...
...rode horses...
...tried not to get wet... no avail...
...and were finally joined by the littlest mini after his nap...
...and before his birthday party!... was a caterpillar theme... know, the one that eats everything...
...well, the littlest mini is basically like that...
...we played with balloons...
..."fed" the caterpillar...
...and made...
...he blew out his candles...
...and ate his cake... did his daddy...
...he opened his presents...yes, my hair really is that short now...
...and he got really excited...
...the kids played in the sink...
...and these kids played with their camera...
...the next day we headed to the park... go down the slippery slides...
...even Little Miss Thing...
...and Mr. High School came to play...
...we had a great time...
...with lots of friends...
...doesn't he have a great smile?...
...they hung on monkey bars...
...and slid down the slides again...
...I am exhausted...