Back story...
We all know how much I love Pinterest.
Oh, we don't? Well..I was late to the bandwagon, but I'm thoroughly in on the party now...
Random side story...
On Sunday I was talking to my friend's mom (the friend in this, need to work on a name for you too, don't I??).
Anyway, we were actually discussing our fun Pinterest Thursday. Random fellow church member, that we don't know, walks by and hears us talking about Pinterest...she says, "That site is SO addictive!!"
...and, sorry that was lame...
Anyway, my unnamed friend...ugh...and I decided that since we've pinned so many awesome things on Pinterest, and have yet to complete any of them, we should make our Thursday get togethers "Pinterest Thursdays."
We choose a project we both want to do, buy the materials, and finally finish a Pinterest pin. :)
This past Thursday, hence the..."Pinterest Thursdays...on Tuesday" title (may just make it a running theme)...
...we made Halloween wreaths!
Tule, ribbon, and an embroidery hoop...
...tie the tule and ribbon on to the embroidery hoop using the loop method...
...add a ribbon and bow and voila!; Halloween wreath!...
So, your turn...what have you made based on a Pinterest pin? If you want to add a it to the Barefeet in High Heels photo gallery! I'd love to see it!
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