Christmas in review...Part tres

Published on 12.31.2010 in

The next morning we woke to find that Santa had come again...

...and Engineering Man read the story to the older cousins...

...we took almost two hours to open presents... 

...(Uncle M was sitting to the left of EM; couldn't get him in the picture...UGH!!)...

...and the natives got restless (check out Engineering Man...guess who he's aiming at?)...

...Cousin A got a kick butt cowboy outfit...

...and Mini #1 got some kick butt cowboy boots...

...after lunch we took off for our fourth Christmas in two days with Engineering Man's grandparents...

...Uncle Buddy was there too...

...and I couldn't resist a generational picture where everyone looks the same, only in varying stages of age...

...then we stood around and sang Christmas carols...

...Mini #2 helped grandpa clean up after...

...then we took off for our fifth, yes fifth, Christmas in two days where I finally got my favorite pic of EM...


...grandma wore her red shoes...

...and there were LOTS of people...

...including a cutie couple...

...and of course more presents...

...and giggles for grandma...

...the holiday wrapped up with some butt crack plumbing...


...and riding our bike...

That's a small taste of the fun and love we had a Christmas.  I hope yours was just as merry.  We will be returning to our regularly scheduled programming next week...


Christmas in review...Part dos

Published on 12.30.2010 in

Christmas Eve was spent celebrating Jesus' birthday...

...with this cutie's program...

...and the gang was all there...

...Mini #1 set up for Santa to come...

...in the middle of the night I woke to find that Santa had come...

...and had delivered some presents for the boys...

...Mini #2 was excited about all the paper he could eat...

...Mini #1 got a shirt from mommy...

...a Transformer from daddy...

...and some Lincoln Logs from grandma and grandpa...

...Mini #2  just giggled...

...then read a book with Uncle Hunter...

...but seemed to enjoy reading it with his girlfriend more...

...Engineering Man got a bottle of Paddy's...

...that Mini #2...

...decided should be his...

...Mini #1 tried to help Uncle D shut off his toothbrush...

...before heading out to our second Christmas of the day...

...one with lots...

...and lots...

...and lots of family...

...where one of the littlest missies got a super big bow...

...and papa got a helmet to save him from any further 4-wheeler accidents...

OK, so now we've got through Christmas Day.  One more day to pull you through the rest of the holiday events!


Christmas in review...Part uno

Published on 12.29.2010 in

Hey everyone...sorry for the absence.  Been enjoying the family and loving playing with all of the boys' new toys.  :)

Finally got around to working on the pictures I have for Christmas...and I figured 80+ were a little too much for one post so, guess what?  This week, you're getting the rundown in 3 posts.  

We're extending the Christmas excitement!!!

Here goes...

Christmas week started with our final trip to the Design Center to determine what we would...

...and would not have in our new house....

...then we headed north and discovered the bridge to nowhere was finally getting somewhere...

...and to visit friends (this friend)....

...who we played...

...and drank with...

...we drove a little further the next day and finally made it where aunts have awesome craft stuff...

...that tell about the baby...

...and the real reason for the season...

...we had a Phineas and Ferb holiday dance party...

...and we ate paper...

...jumped on papa and grandma's pillows...

...and snuggled with grandma...

...used Engineering Man as a horse...

...saw a moose...

...got freaked by some crazy looking animals...

...and started a band...

...we took some family photos...

...and took ours as well...

Alright.  That brings us to right before my nephew's Christmas Eve program.  

Stay tuned...there's lots more fun to share...