This year...once Engineering Man is healthy...I'm hoping to make our own Christmas cards using Shutterfly's online photo cards.
I've used Shutterfly before...mainly for printing pictures for my 30 before 30...
...but this year I'd like to step outside of the box and use my camera to make our own Christmas cards.
Shutterfly has great options for holiday cards; I mean, just look at these really cute options...
...and the best part about it is they actually give you search options on the side to make the process easier...
...super hard to go through 800+ card choices...
I'm planning to do a multi-picture card this showcase not only the family, but also the boys...
...Although I might do a card with the choice to add a little letter as well...
Not only does Shutterfly have the great Christmas cards...
...they also have holiday cards...
...and CALENDARS! (
You can customize the calendars with specific dates, and even photos on dates. Not just pictures for each of the months.
It's a great idea, and one I might just have to do for one of my family's Christmas presents.
I can now check a few more items off my Christmas to do list.
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