Christmas in review...Part tres

Published on 12.31.2010 in

The next morning we woke to find that Santa had come again...

...and Engineering Man read the story to the older cousins...

...we took almost two hours to open presents... 

...(Uncle M was sitting to the left of EM; couldn't get him in the picture...UGH!!)...

...and the natives got restless (check out Engineering Man...guess who he's aiming at?)...

...Cousin A got a kick butt cowboy outfit...

...and Mini #1 got some kick butt cowboy boots...

...after lunch we took off for our fourth Christmas in two days with Engineering Man's grandparents...

...Uncle Buddy was there too...

...and I couldn't resist a generational picture where everyone looks the same, only in varying stages of age...

...then we stood around and sang Christmas carols...

...Mini #2 helped grandpa clean up after...

...then we took off for our fifth, yes fifth, Christmas in two days where I finally got my favorite pic of EM...


...grandma wore her red shoes...

...and there were LOTS of people...

...including a cutie couple...

...and of course more presents...

...and giggles for grandma...

...the holiday wrapped up with some butt crack plumbing...


...and riding our bike...

That's a small taste of the fun and love we had a Christmas.  I hope yours was just as merry.  We will be returning to our regularly scheduled programming next week...

My boys don't share, but if you want to...

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