Friday's Favorites...tradition and memories...

Published on 7.20.2012 in ,

You might have missed it Wednesday...but I wanted to go back to one of Ryan and Ashley's pictures from their wedding.

This one...

...yes, that's a "well" and yes, that's a bell at the top of it...

...tradition has that on your wedding day you have to ring it.  They cheated...

...Engineering Man and I were a little more adventurous because that handy dandy little string wasn't there seven years ago...

...who doesn't love a good wedding?...

My boys don't share, but if you want to...

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2 Response to Friday's Favorites...tradition and memories...

July 20, 2012 at 2:47 PM

Mak, I remember your big day well. No one has ever looked more beautiful.

July 21, 2012 at 12:01 AM

Oh Jess! That's so sweet! Thank you!!!

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