Monday's week in review..

Published on 1.10.2011 in

The past week included getting stuck...

...and trying to get out...

...a trip to a place "where a kid could be a kid"...

...for someone's birthday...

...Mini #1 shot some baskets...

...and whacked some sharks...

...rolled skeeball...

...climbed through a ceiling tunnel...

...and scared Mini #2...

...Mini #2 did not enjoy Chuck E. ...

...but was really interested in what Engineering Man was doing...

...after the pizza and games we headed home for some cheesecake...

...the next day we rode to the park...

...giggled in the swings...

...went down the slide...

...and got stuck in the slide...

...after the park, Mini #1 didn't want to take off his helmet, so we had "that" kid...

...and Mini #2 just chilled...

...Mini #1 made me pancakes...

...and Mini #2 perfected his zombie walk...

...later that weekend we went to Little Miss Thing's basketball game...

...with  their very own little cheerleaders...

...and then went to Mr. High School's game...

...that afternoon Mini #1 and Little Miss Thing took on Mr. K in a basketball game...

...while Mrs. K and I played HGTV (check back for details Wednesday)...

...the weekend rounded out with SNOW!!...

My boys don't share, but if you want to...

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