Friday's Favorites: the many faces of Mini #2...

Published on 4.30.2010 in , ,


The following is a gratuitous display of how cute my kid is.

If you don't like babies, or pictures, or pictures of babies, please refrain from reading the following.

Thank you.

Now for your viewing enjoyment: the many faces of Mini #2:

Just let me sleep...

I'm cranky...


Do you see him, Mom?...

You're funny, Daddy...

Look, I can be weird too...

Another friggin' picture?...

You lookin' at me?

I crack myself up...

Love you mom...


Thursday Things I Never Thought I'd Hear...

Published on 4.29.2010 in , ,

"Mommy. Take a picture of me."


"You have to press and HOLD the button."

Thanks buddy.


FIRST EVER...photo caption contest!

Published on 4.28.2010 in ,

I know I have some creative readers.

and...so I need a little help.

Write what you want to title this photo in the comments section!

Most creative gets a sucker...

Deadline for entry is Friday, April 30 at 9 p.m.

Winner will be posted when I come up for air this weekend since Engineering Man's got drill.


Family photo...FAIL

Published on 4.27.2010 in , ,

Shortly after Mini #2 was born we had a family photo taken for our church directory.

We got a free one.

When I was picking the photo, I didn't look too close, just picked one where I thought the majority of us looked good.

We got the picture in the mail this past week.

At first glance, it looked great.

And then I noticed something...

Mini #2 looks pissed. Like...what the hell are these people doing to me?

Or maybe it's..."God; did you seriously put me with these people?"

Happy family...

Pissed kid...

Happy kid...

Pissed kid...

Yep, he's totally questioning God's decision.


Monday's weekend in review...

Published on 4.26.2010 in , , ,

The weekend included a two month picture...




...spring storms...


"Negative Ghost Rider. The pattern is full."

...finally getting a car fixed (that still isn't fixed and is going back to the shop)...

...a picture of the boys...

...trying to fix the weed eater...

...watching daddy mow the yard...

...and loving to play with my camera...

...to take pictures of my boys...

And because of that...we're having a PHOTOGRAPHY week here on the blog.

Stay tuned Wednesday for my first ever photo caption contest. There will be prizes!

Well...a prize.

Enjoy the week.



Published on 4.24.2010 in

..."helping" Mommy clean.

-- Posted on the go...



My lunch hour

Published on 4.23.2010 in

What i see during lunch 3 days a week:

-- Posted on the go...



Friday's Favorites...McD's frappe

Published on in ,

Now that I've started work, and actually have to be awake before 8 a.m., I've discovered how much I LOVE coffee.

And I mean it's turning into a necessity.

Usually, I make some coffee at the house and just take it to work, but the first morning I took the boys...

...well, let's just say I was running late.

I ended up getting one of McDonald's frappes.


Just the right amount of caffeine, sugar, and milk blended together for something cool and refreshing.

Mmmm. Good morning.

*Hey FCC, McD's didn't pay me to say this. Just like them. A lot.


Thursday Things I Never Thought I'd Hear...

Published on 4.22.2010 in ,

Engineering Man had just gotten home from work and was trying to change into more comfortable clothes.

The following exchange occurred.

"Daddy, go out Orion's door with me."

"No, buddy. I need to change first."

"Please...be a good daddy and go outside with me."

Guess he's never heard that one before.


Mini Conversations

Published on 4.21.2010 in , ,

Listening to your almost 3-year-old talk to your newborn is a learning adventure.

What do you learn? What you say way too much.

Overheard as I was walking down the stairs:
"Be patient buddy. Mommy has to play with me first and then she'll come take care of you."

Overheard as we were pulling into the driveway:
"It's OK buddy. We're almost home."

Overheard as Mini #2 was screaming:

Overheard as Mini #2 was waking up:
"Good morning buddy."

Overheard as Mini #2 and daddy walked in the door:
"Hi buddy."

Overheard as a friend came by to meet Mini #2:
"This is my baby brother."

Overheard as I was getting ready for work:
*kiss* "I love you."


DIY of the week...new wall art

Published on 4.20.2010 in , ,

This wall used to have a snowman picture on it.

The 80 degree weather we've been having made me realize it was time to switch it up.

My mom (and well, I guess dad did too) gave me this cross for my birthday.

Thanks mom!

But I thought it looked a little naked on the wall.

So, I added shelves and my current collection of Willowtree angels/figurines.

What do you think?

My OCD is driving me nuts.  Might have to change things.

Although, I did switch the angels about 5 times.



Mini #2 at two months

Published on 4.19.2010 in

-- Posted on the go...

Location:Doc office


Monday's week(end) in review...

Published on in , ,

This week I returned to work and was welcomed with this...

...a trip to the circus...

..."being excited" at finally getting a ticket to...

...ride on a horse...

...redrawing the clown stamp gotten at the circus...

...and giving daddy one too because otherwise "he be so sad"...

...a road trip to the nuclear power plant...

...that included stops at Topeka...

...and a bar for a birthday...

...we were given a concert on the coffee table...

...and my boys hung out on the couch...

...being completely relaxed...

...and finally crashing after a great time...