I got this for my birthday...
(Thanks Hart!)
...and with it I bought this to make a wreath...
I started by taking one of the four and wrapping it on itself...

...connecting it by twisting it together. There's wire in the branch so it was easy...
I then took a green branch, started at about the halfway point of the blue berries, and twisted it in...
...and then did the same with the other blue one...
...and finally the last green branch...
I wasn't happy with it, but then amazingly, a happy accident occurred. I shut my door...
...and the wreath flattened. I liked it more.
And then I went to sleep and my OCD kicked in.
I found that something was missing.
So back to "Wobby Bobby" we went and picked up a red branch of berries.
I untwisted the berry bunches from the branch (say that 10 times fast)...
...and inserted them to the wreath, wrapping the wire edge in the wreath to hold it in place.
Ah, much better. Just don't tell Engineering Man that I ended up turning the wreath 4 times before I settled on the way I actually left it.
Yep, OCD.
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