Be prepared.
I was camera happy this weekend.
The weekend included a trip to the pumpkin patch with my favorite boys...
...and one of my favorite families...
...that I'm really going to miss...
...sorry Mrs. P; but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry...
...a somewhat decent family photo...
...and then one that shows our true colors...
...a cutie in glasses...
...feeding the goats...
...picking a pumpkin...
...driving a tractor...
...driving a car...
...being a chicken...
...a family of hillbillies...

...yea, I got nothing on this one...
...finding a new friend...
...who's that cutie?...
...OK mom...done yet?...
...sorry bud...nope...
...oooo, pretty...
...someone getting in the way of my camera... take a picture of the kiddos...
...a gorgeous wedding...
...that gave us the opportunity to see friends...
...and lots...
...and lots of great friends...
We'll miss you all!!
...a sweetheart holding the kiddos...

...look mom...I can stick my finger up my nose!...
...first time asking a girl to dance...
...first time trying to catch a garter...
...spending time with him...(miss you hon!)...
...and finally, Sunday morning kickball...
Gotta love great weekends!
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