This week included play time with Engineering Man...
...building our own fort...
...fixing my camera...
...and a trip to the cupcake store!...
...this crazy freaky spider on the window...yes, it's real...
...and eating out with daddy for lunch!...
...Engineering Man and I helped at BEST...
...or at least looked good while doing it... BOMB!...
...and the best photos of Engineering Friend ever!...
...OK, so what is BEST?...
...a robotics competition!...
...well, not that kind of robot...this kind of robot...
...that was supposed to be like a space elevator...
...made by high schoolers and middle schoolers...
...who also knew the importance of photo bombing...
(I was trying to take a photo of the robot)
...We wrapped the weekend up with a rainjacket...
...and loving on him...
...and the best Jeep tire cover ever...
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