What I Wanna Do...

Published on 1.02.2012 in ,

I've never been one to make New Year's Resolutions.  I don't know why, but I've always been anti-"do what everyone else does." 

This year though, because it'll put money in our health fund to pay for Engineering Man's surgery, I've been talking to a health coach.

She's been super fun, and really nice.


You know, all those "get healthy" things you plan to do...but never do...well, she makes you do them.  Or at least holds you accountable.

Last week, she asked the dreaded question..."What are your health goals for the next month?"

**btw...when she means "health", she means both physical and emotional.  awesome.**
So...here they are:  My goals for the next month/year...

1) Start the Couch to 5K program.
Number 8 on my 30 Before 30 list is staring me in the face. I signed up for the Warrior Dash that's in April.  Needless to say, my "running" hasn't gotten any better.  So, today I'm starting the Couch to 5K program, and after 9 weeks, I should be able to run 3 miles.  Wish me luck!

2) Create a Facebook page for the blog and the shop.
...and go...

3) Do at least one thing on my 30 Before 30 list every month.
My 30th birthday is coming faster than I want it to. And I've been totally slacking on my list.  So, If I set a goal to do at least one per month, maybe I can knock out at least another 15 before I turn 30. That would leave only 2 undone.  Wish me luck!

So, that's it.  My goals for the beginning of 2012.  What's yours??

My boys don't share, but if you want to...

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