Friday's Favorites...Redi Shades...

Published on 1.13.2012 in ,

Mini #2 was not sleeping last week.  At all...

Finally, one night at 2 am after the third time he had woken up... I asked him the following...
"What's wrong?  Are you scared??"

"(lip trembling) Yeah."

"What are you scared of??"

He pointed to the ceiling and made his alligator/monster munching noise...

Oh crap...

The streetlight was coming in through his arch window and casting a shadow from his ceiling fan onto the ceiling.  

It really did look like a giant monster mouth with teeth.


So, the next day I took off for a local hardware store and found this beauty...

...yep...$19 later Mini #2 was only waking up one time a night.
We've had a much happier household...

My boys don't share, but if you want to...

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